Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available anytime and for any reason.
Since 1991, Australia’s kids and young people have been turning to our professional counsellors, no matter who they are or what they want to talk about.
Over this time, we have responded to over 8.5 million contacts. For some young people, connecting with Kids Helpline has been a life-saving experience, while for others it’s about practical help and emotional support at the critical moment they need someone to listen.
See what young people contacted Kids Helpline about last year in our 2023 Impact Report
Our 5 Operational Principles
Privacy and confidentiality
All young people are treated with respect
All young people can choose the gender of the counsellor they speak to
Young people are able to access the same counsellor if they wish to call back
Young people are encouraged to give feedback about Kids Helpline & the service they receive
Values & Beliefs
The two main values that underpin Kids Helpline practice are empowerment and child-centred practices.
Counselling from an empowerment perspective
Involves supporting and working with young people to:
- Develop options for change
- Understand the consequences of actions
- Help identify their own resources and inform them about other resources available
- Help develop a sense of control in their life
- Utilise their strengths
Providing a child centred practice
Involves supporting and working with young people through:
- Listening to and respecting what the young person has to say
- Focusing on their needs
- Seeing the world from their perspective
- Believing that the young person is the client
- Respecting the young person
Our Commitment to Safeguarding
We're committed to providing services that protect and keep children and young people free from harm.
Commitment to the Care and Protection of Young People
We seek to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safe from harm, are respected and nurtured so as to reach their full potential in life.
At all times children and young people are supported and encouraged to have their voices heard, to seek justice and to access counselling and other support services in order to overcome the impacts of harm.
Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy
Kids Helpline maintains clear policies and procedures to ensure appropriate risk management strategies are in place as part of our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and the protection of children from harm.
These include a code of conduct for interacting with children and young people, the recruitment and training of staff and the handling of disclosures or suspicions of harm.
Our Milestones
Officially opened in March, 3,200 young people called on the very first day
Had answered 90,000 calls in its first year
Expanded to become a national service and had registered over 1 million calls from young people
Introduction of email counselling support
Launched Kids Helpline WebChat live counselling
Celebrated 27 years of service. Answered 8 million contacts from young people
A lot has changed in 30 years.
Our communities have changed, the issues kids face have changed, and the ways our counsellors engage with and help young people have changed.
What hasn’t changed is that Kids Helpline makes a difference to the emotional wellbeing and lives of our kids every single day — ensuring young people know they are not alone.
Our service is for the community, funded by the community.
Kids Helpline is a costly service. Last year, half of Kids Helpline funding came from the community. We can’t do this without you.

Research Partners
Young people’s help seeking behaviour is dynamic and is reflective of the technology and times. By partnering with leading research organisations we produce evidence to inform and develop services that improve both reach and effectiveness.
We partner with the Black Dog Institute (and Sydney University), to develop and pilot a world first. KHL Circles are online peer to peer support groups (moderated by Kids Helpline counsellors) to assist young people to improve their self-management of mental health concerns.
We are partnering with QUT on research that will develop new online interactive technologies. Together, we are exploring ways to help young people build relationships, manage mental health and thrive.
We are partnering with Sydney University (and Black Dog Institute), to develop and pilot a world first. KHL Circles are online peer to peer support groups (moderated by Kids Helpline counsellors) to assist young people to improve their self-management of mental health concerns.

Young and Well CRC
We are proud to be part of this collective, working with other network partners to develop new online engagement and intervention tools. Together we uncover ways to support young people in strengthening their emotional wellbeing.