Understanding online grooming
We explain online grooming and ways to keep your kids safe.

It's scary to think about it… but being aware is important
Taking the time to learn about online grooming can help you protect your child.
It's an offence for an adult to start an online relationship with someone under the age of 16 with the intention of having a sexual relationship with them.
It's against the law – even if the adult and the child never meet in real life.
How to spot online grooming
They might do any of these things or a combination of them:
Ask for photos
Ask for videos
Ask to meet face to face
Offer gifts or favours
Make a child feel special
Persistently seek out the child
Ask a child for a favour
Ask for their phone number
Ask where they live
Ask if they're alone
Find things in common with the child
Make threats or manipulate the child to do things
Signs that a child may be at risk
Here are some things to keep an eye out for:
It's never too late to report it. Trust your instincts. Act if something doesn't feel right by visiting ThinkUKnow.
What you can do
If you're worried that a child may be at risk here's what you can do:
Talk to them about your concerns
Tell them you’re there to help and want them to be safe
Tell them it’s not their fault if they’re in this situation
Report suspicious behaviour to Police
Help them check their privacy settings
Help them block or un-friend the person
Teach them not to share passwords or accounts
Have them ask before agreeing to meet someone
Find out more about parental controls on devices
Learn more by visiting ThinkUKnow or eSafety
Visit eSafety iParent for more resources
We all have a role to play in keeping kids safe
There’s always someone you can talk to and get advice from.
You're not alone in protecting your child from online grooming. If you need support call the Parentline service in your State or Territory and talk through your options with a counsellor.
Encourage the child to talk with a counsellor if they're worried or upset about anything that happens online.
Kids Helpline is open 24/7. Give us a call, send us an email or talk to us on WebChat.
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