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Promotional Materials

Due to financial limitations, we are no longer able to offer physical materials (like wallet cards) sent via post. Thank you for your understanding. 

Free downloadable and printable materials about Kids Helpline

We really appreciate your help to reach more young people

Young people often learn about Kids Helpline through the adults in their life - which is why your support is so important.

Download and print these resources to hand out to young people at your school, service or event.

A4 flyer for kids

Print this as an A4, or print four to a page to cut out and hand out to primary aged children at your service or events.

Kids DL flyer

This DL flyer comes three-to-a page for easy cutting out (even at a mass-scale) to hand out to primary-aged children.

Teen A4 flyers

Print these as an A4, or print four to a page to cut out and hand out to high school students at your service or events.

Teen DL flyers

This DL flyer comes three-to-a page for easy cutting out (even at a mass-scale) to hand out to teenagers.

Free promotional materials on mental health, wellbeing, suicide, safety, bullying and more!

Young people tell us they prefer content about topics they care about/are relevant to them. If you’re looking for Kids Helpline resources, you can access our library of posters, social posts, worksheets, videos and more.

I used to be able to order promotional materials like wallet cards. Why can’t I do that anymore?

Unfortunately, due to the current economic climate, sending physical collateral is no longer viable. As a charity, Kids Helpline is dependent on funding and donations to provide professional, free counselling to young people Australia-wide. If you’d like to assist, you can donate to Kids Helpline, or run a fundraiser

I have an event/booth coming up and I need Kids Helpline promo materials for it.

Thanks so much for promoting Kids Helpline in your community! We have many printable resources you can print and handout or use as a poster for your booth/event. We have both general 'about Kids Helpline' resources, as well as evidence-informed resources on various topics including mental health, suicide, abuse and safety, as well as more fun (quiz, flowchart) content and more.

Based on our research, young people find it more helpful to take a resource with helpful info, tips etc., on a topic relevant to them, rather than take a general flyer about the service - feel free to check out our full resource library here.

 I can’t print off heaps of stuff!

That’s totally understandable! Fortunately, we have many printable posters with QR codes on them. You only need to print off one or two posters and put it on a wall or on your booth/table. People can then scan the QR code or take a photo of the poster if they are interested in the service or content (rather than taking a flyer).

Our research shows that young people find it more meaningful to scan a QR code and view virtual content (like our website), rather than take a flyer. They are also more likely to share digital content virtually with their peers.

Will you ever have physical promotional material available again?

Sign up for our newsletter to be among the first to find out about our next release of free resources.