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I was worried my girlfriend had started self-harming again

When Max noticed some marks on his girlfriend's arms, he didn't know how to help.

"We had a really good talk."



I noticed my girlfriend had some marks on her arm. I knew that she used to self-harm before we were together and was worried that she had started again. I wanted to be there for her and make sure she was ok, but I didn’t know what to do or how to bring it up with her.

I didn’t want to go behind her back and talk with her family about it, so I contacted Kids Helpline.

After chatting with the counsellor I got some ideas on what to do to help her. I told my girlfriend I was worried about the marks and I was there for her if she needed to talk. We talked for hours and I think it brought us closer together. It was like she felt good knowing I cared. She is seeing a counsellor again too. 

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