Dealing with discrimination
Facing discrimination can take a toll on you. We talk more about what it is and ways to cope.

What is discrimination?
Discrimination is when a person is treated differently (not in a good way) because of some aspect of their identity. It is against the law.
It can include things like:
- Race
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Age
- Disability
- Body size
- Sexuality
- Gender identity
How does discrimination happen?
Some types of discrimination are really obvious while other types are not. But they can all still affect you. Some ways discrimination might happen is when someone:
Calls you hurtful or racist names
Treats you badly or unfairly
Commits a hate crime against you
Hurts you physically (abuse and violence)
Makes you defend who you are and what you believe in
Doesn’t respect your identity, beliefs or opinions
Leaves you out on purpose
Hurts you emotionally (verbal and emotional abuse)
How does it affect you?
Being discriminated against can make you feel:
- Sad or depressed
- Lonely and different in ‘bad’ way
- Embarrassed or upset about some part of yourself
- Scared of being hurt by others
- Unable to concentrate on schoolwork
- Angry or like fighting back
- Like there’s no hope
I’ve been picked on at school because of my skin colour. I used to ignore it but then I was reminded that it’s wrong so I reported it to a teacher and the name calling stopped – Naria*, 14 years old
What can you do in that situation?
Nobody should face discrimination but sadly it does happen. Here are some tips on what you can do:
Focusing on what makes you special and unique is really important. You deserve to be treated with fairness and respect! - Fiona, Kids Helpline Counsellor
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