When your friend is being bullied...

"Did you see the snap Hiro just sent?!"
When Hiro shares a photo of Maddy online, he thinks it's just a laugh. Until he comes to school the next day and finds he has a target on his back...
Sound familiar? It's a story we hear all too often at Kids Helpline!

Bullying can hurt and cause a lot of pain.
It can also be really hard to know what to do. But you don't have to do it alone...
We've created this FREE comic to help you deal with bullying!
Whether you're a student, school or organisation, our new comic can help in making those conversations around bullying easier.
Check out the links to download a version, or go to our order form to get your free copy mailed out!
Looking for more on bullying?
Check these out too:
Bullying is never ok. It’s hurtful and can impact someone for ...
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If you’re experiencing cyberbullying, you’re not alone. It can be ...
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Putting a stop to cyberbullying is everyone’s responsibility. If you know ...
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Know when your online behaviour crosses the line and what to do ...