Knowing who to trust online

Sadly not everyone online is your friend
Some people might start off friendly, but then end up pressuring you or hurting you.
Things might start out fun, but could become scary or upsetting.

You don’t know who they really are
They might seem friendly and have a nice profile, but remember that if you don't know them in real life then they are a stranger.

Someone online might ask you lots of questions...
They may ask for photos, a phone number, your address, or what suburb you live in.
You don't have to answer – just leave the game or ignore them and tell a trusted adult about it.

Don't accept free gifts, favours, or game credits
They might want something from you in return. They might make you feel special now, but later pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. Try saying 'no thanks' and leave the conversation.

It can be easy to over-share online
You might put a lot of personal info online. Sometimes people ask all the right questions and before you know it... you've shared too much!

It's ok to make mistakes
Just like learning something new at school, learning how to be safe online takes practice.
We all make mistakes at first – just be sure to get help if you feel worried or upset about anything online.

Talk to a parent, teacher, or Kids Helpline counsellor
Even if the other person doesn't want you to tell anyone, you're allowed to talk about it with an adult you trust.
It's important to tell an adult – then together you can figure out what to do next.