Hurt on the inside: What is emotional abuse?

What is emotional abuse?
It’s when an adult says or does things over and over again, that makes you feel bad, scared, sad or alone.

What it might look like…
Always calling you names, yelling, teasing or ignoring you. They might say things to scare you or stop you from having friends. It can happen when your parents fight or hurt each other in front of you too.

It may make you feel…
Scared, bad, embarrassed, confused or sad. You may feel unloved, unwanted or alone. No matter what you feel, Kids Helpline is always here for you.

Words can hurt
Being yelled at or called names all the time can make you feel bad about yourself.
You may start to believe what they are saying and feel that you deserve to be treated this way – BUT you don’t.

Emotional abuse is NOT ok
All kids have a right to be treated with love and care. It’s NEVER OK for someone to make you feel bad about yourself or hurt you on the inside.

It’s NOT your fault
There is nothing you can say or do that makes it OK for someone to make you feel bad about yourself or scared. Emotional abuse can happen to anyone and is always wrong.

Things you can do
Make a list of things you like about yourself and what you are good at. Remind yourself of this list when you feel down. When you can, spend time with people that make you feel good about yourself.

Find someone to talk to
Talk to somebody you trust and feel safe with about what is happening at home. It might be an older relative or friend, a Kids Helpline counsellor or a school teacher.