How do I know if I'm cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying hurts
Cyberbullying is when people use technology to bully others. It's when someone says or does something to make you feel sad or scared using a phone or the internet.

Bullying someone online is never ok
Cyberbullying hurts. Even if you think it's funny or a joke, it's not ok to post something mean about somebody else. Being mean to someone isn't going to help you keep friends or become popular.

Think carefully about what you say online
Think about what you are sending. Once you send it you can't take it back. Make sure you feel good about what you say online.

Check what you have written is ok to send
Ask yourself these questions: How would I feel if somebody sent this to me? What would mum say if she saw it? Would you say this to the person in real life?

Be kind and caring towards others
Try sending positive messages to people online. Tell them things you like about them. If they seem upset, ask if they are ok.

If anything online is worrying you, show it to an adult
If you're not sure what to do then talk to somebody about it. Tell a teacher, parent, or somebody you trust. You can even call Kids Helpline and talk to a counsellor.