What to do if someone is hurting you

Some kids feel scared about someone hurting them
They may think it’s a secret they can’t tell anyone. They might want it to stop but don’t know how. They might feel really alone. It can be scary and confusing.

Getting hurt, touched or made to do things you don’t like isn’t ok
Some kids feel it’s their fault. But that’s not true! You aren’t to blame. It’s not ok if you’re being hurt by someone. You deserve to feel safe, to be loved and cared about in a way that doesn’t hurt you.

Some kids worry that they won’t be believed
It can be hard telling somebody about it. Some kids think that they won’t be believed so they don’t say anything. They may think somebody will notice eventually or hope that it will get better on its own.

It’s normal to feel uncomfortable telling someone
Some kids worry about what to say or feel really scared about it. It can help to practice with a friend first. Or take deep breaths to stay calm. The important thing is that you tell somebody even if it’s hard to do.

Talk to an adult you trust like a parent, relative or teacher
Even when it feels really scary, it’s important to get an adult to help make it stop. You could try telling a parent, relative or teacher. Tell people in your life that you trust - and if they don’t help, then tell somebody else. Don’t give up!

A Kids Helpline counsellor will listen
If you can’t tell an adult in your life then tell a counsellor at Kids Helpline. We will listen and help you.