My friend is being cyberbullied

Cyberbullying hurts
Cyberbullying is when people use technology to bully others. It's when someone says or does something to make you feel sad or scared using a phone or the internet.

You can help stop cyberbullying
Having friends means caring about them and if you notice something is upsetting them, you try to help them. If a friend is being cyberbullied there are lots of things you can do for them.

Stand up to the bullying
If you see bullying online, tell them that what they are doing isn't ok and tell them to stop. See if your other friends can do the same. Don't laugh along with the bullying or join in.

Ask if your friend is ok
Talk to your friend about it. Check to see how they are feeling about the situation. Listen to them and show that you care.

Ask an adult to help you report it
Show an adult you trust what's happened. Ask them to help you report it to the site where it happened or to eSafety.

Be a Cyberhero!
By doing all these things, you can help your friend and be a Cyberhero! The only way to stop cyberbullying is if everybody works together to make it stop. Let's treat each other kindly instead!