Thinking about hurting myself

Sometimes life is hard
Stuff might happen in your life that hurts a lot. Everybody feels this way sometimes. Learning to get through the hard times is a part of growing up.

It feels like nobody understands
Maybe you're going through things right now that make you feel bad inside. You might feel really alone and that things won’t ever get better.

Having scary or sad thoughts
When we feel bad inside, we might have sad thoughts. You might even think about hurting yourself or somebody else to make the thoughts and feelings go away.

Keeping it to yourself only makes it worse
It’s important to talk to somebody you can trust, even if you feel afraid of opening up. Try writing it down in a letter or email and giving it to the person.

You can tell Kids Helpline
We are here to help you with sad or scary thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else. It’s never too late to get support. Talk to a counsellor who understands and can help you. Give us a call, start a WebChat or send us an email today.
You can also check out Head to Health for other digital services and resources.