I'm bored - what can I do?

Everyone feels bored sometimes!
Feeling bored is not much fun, but it can actually be a good thing.
It's a chance to be creative, use your imagination and make your own fun!
Let’s look at some things you can try to beat boredom.

Can’t find anything to do inside?
Try watching a movie, playing a game, writing a story or joke book. You could make up a secret language, write a letter to someone you miss or ask to bake or decorate cookies.

Things to do outside
Play with a pet, camp in the backyard, plan a treasure hunt, find shapes in the clouds. You could explore nature, practice kicking a ball or make a fairy house in the garden.

Still bored?
Put on some music and make up a dance, try drawing things with your foot, or organise your room. Try going for a walk, read a book, or search for rocks and paint them.

Make a bored jar!
Write down some fun ideas and put them in an empty jar.
When you’re bored pull one out and do that activity.
Add to your bored jar whenever you think of an activity you’d like to do.