How to tell if it’s bullying

When someone is mean or rude it can be upsetting
Sometimes you might have a fight with someone and they might say or do something that is mean or rude. This can be really upsetting.

Not everything that is mean or rude is bullying
Someone can be rude or mean and it doesn't make them a bully.
If it happens once, it's not bullying… even if it made you feel upset.
There is a big difference between being rude, mean and bullying.

Bullying is more than being mean or rude
Bullying is when someone plans to be mean to you and they keep doing it, over and over again. This person might be older, stronger, smarter or more popular than you. Bullying is NEVER ok.

How to tell if it’s bullying
Ask yourself: Did they plan to upset you? Does it keep happening?
Are they older, stronger, smarter or more popular than you?
If you answered yes to all these questions it could be bullying.