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My parents struggled with their own mental health

We helped Neda gain independence from her family and start living her life.

"I've met someone who helped me realise that it is possible to be in a relationship and be happy."



Content warning: contains mental health content that may be distressing

My father tried to kill himself a few times and I had a mother who was irrational and neurotic. Between the two of them, they had many fights that I got dragged into, being the only child. I was unhappy, stressed and turned to harming myself in order to cope. I knew that harming myself was not a good coping mechanism but at the time, I couldn't bring myself to care. I'd go for months or even years without harming myself but then something would happen and I'd fall into a sneaky hate spiral and start all over again. 

The counsellors at Kids Helpline were there to just listen to me talk and it helped me see things from a different perspective.

They helped me gain independence from my family after graduating high school and I've met someone who helped me realise that it is possible to be in a relationship and be happy. I won't say my life is perfect now. But with the help of my partner, we're working through it. 

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