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My Circle - Terms and Conditions
* My Circle is a free social platform that hosts communities of **12 - 25 year olds** in Australia and **parents over 18 years old** in Australia. * **Always keep your identity private** and don’t share it with anyone in the group. This includes real names, social media tags or accounts, emails, date of birth, photos of yourself, family or friends, etc. * **Be respectful** of one another so everyone feels safe and comfortable. **Any offensive or disrespectful posts or content** will be taken down. If you’re unsure, message us first to check! * **Try to understand** another person’s point of view, even if you don’t agree. * **Be aware of the risks and dangers online** - these can include privacy issues, advertising, [grooming](https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/issues/what-online-grooming "https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/issues/what-online-grooming"), cyberbullying, trolling and identity theft. Keep this in mind when sharing any information on My Circle and always keep your identity private. Contact KHL Counsellor Moderator if you have any concerns. * **Contribute as often as you can** - it benefits the whole community when everybody participates. * Remember if you need individual support with these or other problems or issues, call Kids Helpline on **1800 55 1800** or try [WebChat](https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-help/webchat-counselling). * It goes without saying that **bullying is not allowed** and if you are bullying someone you’ll be removed from My Circle. * My Circle moderators check on the community every day to help conversations stay safe, supportive, and informative - rather than providing one-to-one counselling support. If you need one-to-one support, you can call Kids Helpline on **1800 55 1800**, or try [WebChat](https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-help/webchat-counselling "WebChat"), if you are a young person aged 5-25 years old. If you are a parent, you can contact [Parentline (counselling) in your Australian State](https://parentline.com.au/other-support-services) for one-to-one support. * If you read a message on My Circle that concerns you, like someone sharing they are in danger of hurting themselves or someone else, it’s really important you contact a Kids Helpline Counsellor on **1800 55 1800** and let them know. Do this even if you are a parent, since Kids Helpline staff manage the My Circle platform. * There may be **other guidelines**, not detailed here, which a Moderator will contact you about if needed. * To help keep you and others safe, we will check in on you through a private message if we are concerned about your safety. Although we keep the info you share on My Circle private within Kids Helpline, if you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation, or we have a legal responsibility, we may need to talk with other services (e.g. emergency services, human services) to let them know so they can help. We will try to talk with you about this beforehand wherever possible and we may need to ask you for more information about who you are to be able to help you and others in the best way possible. We care about you and want you to be safe, so if you have any questions or concerns about this, please private message [MyCircleModerator](mention:d3e09a9a-9759-46b8-98f4-ff788a940c70 "/humhub/index.php?r=user%2Fprofile&cguid=d3e09a9a-9759-46b8-98f4-ff788a940c70") and/or check out our [privacy](https://www.kidshelpline.com.au/humhub/index.php?r=legal%2Fpage%2Fview&pageKey=privacy) information. * My Circle will be evaluated over time to ensure we continue to improve and develop our services. We may therefore share data regarding the use of My Circle with others (such as our research partners, The University of Sydney) for purposes including research and analysis, case studies, or marketing, however any information shared will be de-identified and therefore not contain any personal information. * My Circle may keep records and retain information shared, even when it has been deleted from public and individual view (e.g. posts, comments, and private messages), as required for legal and safeguarding purposes.

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